
Aurora Del Rio is a dynamic musician always looking for new challenges and innovative ways of creating music. Despite having studied for a music degree specialising in classical violin and played in many orchestras and ensembles, she has always found the composition very appealing and started making pop and rock songs at an early age.

When she arrived in London she realised that it was a great city in which to break rules and she created Monsters’ Abyss, an indie pop rock band where the clarity of a classical violin is combined with the distorted sound of the electric guitars. She also had the opportunity to meet exceptional musicians with whom to grow and deeply connect.

Recently, and after taking an MA in Music Composition with New Technologies, she found the astonishing world of electronic music, a world where sound and texture overcome other musical elements. This has meant a new way of composing music for her. Thanks to new technologies, Aurora has found a perfect tool to combine features of Classical and pop music all together with an innovative perspective and a search for her own style and musical personality.

Aurora playing and singing
